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Stay at Home: CBD

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Image by Julia Teichmann from Pixabay

Image by Julia Teichmann from Pixabay


This is not a recommendation to stay at home and get “high” using THC based products during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This is a very brief introduction to CBD.  CBD usage may be something you are considering as you cope with staying at home for an extended period of time.  With the publicized launch of Martha Stewart’s CBD products for pets, you may now also be considering CBD for your pets too.

What is CBD?

CBD is the abbreviation for Cannabidiol. Brent A. Bauer, M.D. notes in “What are the benefits of CBD — and is it safe to use?”, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 12/18/20 that:

“CBD is a chemical found in marijuana. CBD doesn't contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive ingredient found in marijuana that produces a high.”

Where can I learn about CBD usage and safety?

Here are a few articles about CBD:

What can I get CBD in?

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There are a number of CBD products you may buy.  Here a few forms you can get CBD in:

If you decide that CBD is not for you, just remember that there are additional resources available to help cope with an extended stay at home.  If you’re just bored and looking for things to do, here’s a list of 82 things to do that may give you a few ideas for what to do next at home.